This is a safe space where you will be accepted without judgement and really listened to. If you feel ready, we can work together at your pace, to find a way through whatever is troubling you.
With warm wishes Sarah Izzard.
Client Testimonials
Apprehensive I started my first session and after 15 minutes knew I had found the most fantastic person who listened and never criticised or judged me. Most importantly she believed in me. Before I felt I was in deep, dark water with no way out. Now I was being thrown a life belt and was slowly being pulled towards dry land. Over a series of sessions I learnt how to cope with any negativity and concentrate on loving myself for who I am as an individual. Being shown how to let go of the traumas of the past and thereby making room for my own happiness was very liberating. I am now firmly out of the water. Before I was surviving, not living. Now I am living and the road of negativity is firmly closed. The road of positivity is where you will find me now.
Client X
Counselling has helped my mental health 10 out of 10. It’s been hugely helpful to me and these sessions have been very important to me. I now have more strategies, ways to problem solve and coping tools. I gained clarity and feel like my fear of dying is a book on a bookcase, that it exists but that I am choosing to push it to the back. I now accept/tolerate it will happen one day, but I choose to pick a different book.