According to the Office for National Statistics (May 22), 37% of women reported feelings of anxiety and this figure is on the rise. As a counsellor, regularly working with anxiety as a presenting issue, I am sadly not surprised by this figure. I am concerned about the rise in anxiety, and I believe more needs to be done. In the meantime, I will continue to provide a safe space, where women are accepted without judgement and really listened to. The aim is to work with the anxiety together at the client’s pace, to find a way through.
The critical voice comes up lots in my work. It can be a constant reminder (in our head) of what we have done wrong or what we are going to do wrong and can make us feel very anxious. It can be very interesting to explore this voice and what it’s purpose might be. We can look at when it first started and work together to make sense of things. Compassion can be a real antidote for the critical voice. Slowing your inner voice down, calming things and self-soothing, with a soft voice and comforting words.
It can be helpful to reflect on specific incidents that have been very anxiety provoking. When we become very anxious, physical symptoms can start, such as racing heart, sweating, nausea, stomach cramps, shortness of breath. It can be helpful to try different ways of calming ourselves, using our senses. A scent can be useful, such as a roll on for our pulse points, or smelling a tumble dryer sheet. A strong taste and the soothing sucking action from an extra strong mint might prove helpful. Similarly listening to a song or looking at a photo of a calming place might help to settle us. There are grounding ideas on my website at :-
A thought record sheet can also be helpful tool, looking at our thoughts and investigating other perspectives. Similarly, the worry tree may be a useful tool. But most importantly, having that space for you, to make sense of things with somebody who genuinely cares can really bring about change in itself.
To find out more about counselling with me, please contact me for a free initial chat.
If you are in crisis and need immediate help, please contact the relevant emergency services or go to your nearest accident and emergency service (A&E). The Samaritans number is 116123.
Sending my very best to you
Office for National Statistics, May 22, Available at:-